Non-Paper: Post-2020 Eastern Partnership Deliverables for the Three EU Associated Countries: Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

EU-Eastern Partnership Leaders‘ summit 2020. Photo: Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock
The Strategic Analysis is joining the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE)-led Non-Paper on post-2020 EaP Deliverables for the three EaP partners – Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
The Non-Paper was inspired by a series of policy dialogue exchanges, contributions and endorsements from a group of 37 EU, Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian researchers and think-tank experts and it is distributed for the attention of the European External Action Service (EEAS), European Commission (DG NEAR), Members of the European Parliament, Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the EU Member States, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The Non-Paper outlines six deliverables in the following priority objectives to be focused on in the next 5 to 10 years:
- Security: A Stronger, more Geopolitical Europe
- Environmental and climate resilience: Green Deal for Eastern Partners
- Accountable institutions, judicial reform and the rule of law
- Resilient, fair and inclusive societies: A people-centric EaP
- Resilient, sustainable and integrated economies
- Resilient digital transformation
The Non-Paper is valuable not just as a roadmap for Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to strengthen their association with the EU, but it is also a relevant intervention into a wider discussion about the future of the EaP and how the EU should look in the next ten years. In this context, the Non-Paper asks for a more ambitious and geopolitical outlook from the side of the EU and argues in favour of the three associated EaP states tighter integration into a wider array of EU security, environmental, political and economic initiatives as it befits their European aspirations and capacities.
The Non-Paper also recognises that better governance is the key and, therefore, points to the need for smarter, more tailored and more targeted forms of conditionality from the side of the EU to improve the chances of sustainable reforms in these societies.
Download the full text of the Non-Paper in English by clicking here: Non-Paper Post2020 Eastern Partnership Deliverables for the three EU Associated Countries- Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
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